When the last CD was ready, H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami said, "Very nice, the next one will be in English" So, suddenly I had to face the task of producing a CD in English although I had already started with a new CD, in German ;-)
Quickly, the idea came up to collect the songs I wrote for GuruMaharaja in the last years for his VyasaPuja. In addition, the devotees asked me to write some songs for the Sankirtan festival about sankirtana and book distribution. And somehow I had a collection of nine English songs that were ready to be released, which I took as a sign that I should arrange them as a CD as an offering to GuruMaharaja'sVyasapuja.
But Krishna didn´t let it happen so easily. Almost everything that could go wrong happend! In the beginning I became terribly sick and couldn´t sing anymore, then my whole computersystem broke down, so I had to restore it over some days. Several strings ripped, batteries very finished in the middle of the recording, in the cd-factory happend a water-damage and destroyed the covers... but Krishna only made it exciting. In the end He cared so nicely for the success of this CD and sent musicians from all over the world, inspirations for new songs, arrangements and the power to record the CD in about two weeks of nonstop recording! On the very last day before the Vyasapuja I could fetch the CDs by hitch-hiking through Germany...
This CD could only be released with the help of Bhakta Jens who spent hours with recording and editing the songs. I am so grateful to Gopati who gave me access to the world of software and saved my PC from several deaths, the same to Theo ;-) Many thanks also to ChaityaGuru Prabhu who designed the cover for this CD. Although working fulltime and having a family, he was so patient with me and did everything in such short time.
Furthermore, I'd like to thank JayaNitai, Johannes, Roman, Stella, Gayathri, Keshava, Susi, Claudia, Martin, my parents for supporting me in every way, Tom (for tolerating the noise during the recordings over weeks), Natalie (for proofreading this blog and tolerating like Tom did)
I'm deeply grateful to all the devotees who constantly inspire me to go deeper into Krishna-consciousness and devotional service to Krishna. I´m eternally indebted to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and to His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami. This CD is simply a result of his merciful blessings!